Saturday 4 February 2023

Magersfontein - Scenario

With hindsight it is quite easy to criticise Methuen’s decision to launch yet another frontal attack at Magersfontein however, tied as he was to the railway line and lacking the cavalry he needed for a successful flanking move, in reality he had little other choice.

The decision was made to attack directly against Magersfontein Kopje following a night approach with the newly arrived Highland Brigade under Maj-General Wauchope. The Guards Brigade were to support them on their right but not to assault the enemy line. 9th Brigade was to remain in camp as a reserve.

On the Boer side, De la Rey had convinced Cronje to make a stand at Magersfontein rather than fall back. He cleverly sited trenches at the base of the hill knowing that the British would be expecting the Boers to occupy the heights. The Boer’s use of smokeless powder would make detecting the trenches virtually impossible.

Special Rules

1. The Highland Brigade starts the game deployed in column and once deployed remains in close order.
2. Maj-General Wauchope was one of the first to fall when the Boers opened fire. Rule: Wauchope is attached to the Black Watch on the first turn and is subject to an automatic fallen leader test.
3. In the confusion following the initial Boer fire the Highland Brigade officers took heavy casualties as they tried to deploy their men. Rule: All fallen leader tests are subject to a -1 modifier while units are in column.
4. During the battle the British artillery failed to spot the Boers in their trenches and only fired on those Boers visible on the hillside. Rule: The British artillery may not fire on the Boers in the trenches.
5. The Guards Brigade were ordered to advance but not to assault the Boer positions to their front. Rule: The Guards battalions may advance and fire but may not melee with the Boers.
6. As the day progressed Methuen ordered 9th Brigade forward to support the main attack. Rule: On turn 4 and each subsequent turn roll 1 x D6, on a roll of 6 the Northumberland Fusiliers arrive west of the Railway Line on the British base line.
7. The Boers to the west of the railway line were not engaged in the battle. Rule: The Potchefstroom Commando must remain inactive unless the Northumberland Fusiliers arrive on table in which case they are activated.

Order of Battle

British C in C Lord Methuen
Guards Brigade (Colville)
Grenadier Guards
Scots Guards
65th RFA
3rd Highland Brigade (Wauchope)
Black Watch
Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders
1 x Maxim Gun
18th RFA
4.7" Naval Gun 'Joe Chamberlain'
Northumberland Fusiliers

Boers C in C General Cronje, General De La Rey
Potchefstroom Commando
Hoopstad Commando
Kroonstad Commando
Fauresmith Commando
1 x Field Gun
2 x Pom Pom

Victory Conditions

The game ends in a British victory if they get one unit on Magersfontein Kopje. Otherwise play continues until one side reaches its break point.


  1. Looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

  2. The table looks perfect Ian and your special rules will make it a very interesting battle indeed! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

    1. It's not until I get the troops on the table that I can begin to see how it may play out. The British can win I think if they get lucky!

  3. It would interesting to play this twice, once as it happened, then again if the Highland Brigade had deployed into open order as and where originally planned.

    1. Interesting idea, I may just give that a go.

  4. Your BW collection has ecrtainly grown, and once again you've made a fascinating game out what sounds a one-sided in the history books. I await the AAR with interest. Yes, I did spot the gun, and yes, it is big - I approve.

    1. Glad you like the big gun! I've just about finished the armies now and only have one more field gun to add to the British OOB that I will need for Colenso.
