Sunday, 14 January 2024

Battle of Dannhauser - Part 1

I had some time this afternoon to play the first two turns of the game and it is shaping up to be a good one. Here's what's happened so far:

Hamilton and French both activated their brigades on turn one and moved forward allowing the supporting off-table regiments to come on. They immediately came under fire as the Boers let rip with everything they had.
White's own brigade failed to activate so could only stand where they were and take it.

The Gloucester's paid a heavy price for being the lead unit of Hamilton's brigade as the men fell under fire from rifles, artillery and the dreaded pom-pom's.

One bit of luck for the British - Long Tom fired at the 4.7" Naval gun rolling 10 dice needing a 5 or 6 to hit and not a single one was successful!

The Pretoria Commando on the kopje were able to fire over the heads of the Boksburg Burgers in the trenches below adding double the weight of fire on Hamilton's line.

Turn two and the British artillery zeroed in on Long Tom and some excellent shooting reduced the gun's strength to just 1SP - one more hit and it will be out of action.

White's men failed to activate again but at least they could shoot. Some good dice rolls plus supporting fire from the 18th Field Battery killed 2 Boers of the Utrecht Commando and forced 2 more to flee.

The Manchester's leading French's brigade were forced to check morale and the Major-General put himself at risk to stop them picking up a PIN marker. Fortunately he survived the Fallen Leader test.

The situation at the end of Turn 2. French and Hamilton are making progress but the casualties are starting to mount particularly in Hamilton's already depleted command.

I'll keep you posted on developments.


  1. A real nail biter! Let's finish off the Boer guns pdq and get on with suppressing those damn Mausers.

  2. French should be mentioned in dispatches. So should White, but for a different reason. How many British casualties so far?

    1. Approximately 20 casualties so far but the closer we get the worse it will be.

  3. Those blooming farmers need to feel the weight of a British bayonet or two!

  4. Bully for French! A true leader! The British artillery can pull this one out and put the burgers to flight! An exciting beginning for sure Ian, very well done!

  5. Rip roaring stuff indeed Ian…
    All the best. Aly
